Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monica Anchundia - Never Give Up

One late afternoon back in high school, I sat in my math class with a face that clearly showed that I was ready to quit. I felt like breaking down and crying. I just wanted to put my head down because I was so frustrated with myself. I was  trying so hard to figure out the right answer, I did the dumbest thing I could do, I gave up. I closed my math books and just sat thinking how dumb I was and how much I hated math. At that moment, I did not think about my actions thoroughly. I just didn’t care. I never thought that there would come a summer where my imaginary relationship between math and myself would change.
This past summer I had one of the most unforgettable experiences ever. I would have never thought I would say this but I had a great time in math class during the EOP program. Math is my weakness and it has haunted me for the last 5 years, but this summer everything changed. I tend to give up and feel dumb when I do not understand something, but during the summer, I did not give up at once. I came into EOP afraid and worried about math but I promised myself that I would practice, not give up, and try my best. I would go to office hours every single day and if I did not understand a math problem, I would sit there for hours and hours until I finally got the right answer. I also had a great teacher who helped me a lot. He always had words of encouragement and motivation to tell me. He always used to tell me that I should realize that even though I thought my math skills were horrible, I had to look on the bright side. He made me realize that my determination would take me far, not just in math but  in life. I have never seen myself trying so hard to improve in something. I was so amazed and proud of myself because I worked so hard that math was beginning to bring me a feeling of satisfaction and a big smile.
At the end of the EOP summer program, I felt different about the way I looked at my schoolwork. I will no longer allow any weaknesses to bring me down. I worked so hard during the summer in my math class that I received the most improved math award. Maybe that award did not mean a lot to many people, but to me it meant everything. It was so precious to me because I never thought that I would receive an award in math since I was so bad at it. My math award symbolized my hard work and determination and that’s what matters the most. I realized that I am not dumb but that there are areas in math where I need to apply myself just a little bit more. I have never been so proud of myself. I am feeling more confident than ever because now I know what to do when I need help in any class. I learned to never give up on myself and to work my hardest because my confidence will lead me far in life.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Word from your Editor

Take a second to think about what EOP has done for you in the time you have been in college. 
Academic and moral support?
 A chance to earn a higher education and succeed? 
A chance to change the mind of people who shoot us down? 
A chance to change the world? 
Think about where you would be if it wasn't for EOP. In this blog, we will show (not just tell) what EOP, its staff and scholars are all about. In this blog we want to show the outside world that EOP is not all that meets the eye. We are more than a book stipend, a couple good grants and a 3 week summer program, now lets show who and what we really are. Lets show what EOP stands for.

"....Inspired by Truth, delivered by Education"
Proud to be EOP! 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Welcome to the EOP Blog, a word from your Co-Editor!

EOP is more than just an abbreviation, it’s an answer. EOP is more than just a group on campus, it’s a family. EOP isn’t just a title, it’s a legacy. EOP isn’t just a phase/fad, we are the past, we are the present, and we will be the future. EOP is the Educational Opportunities Program on the SUNY campuses. EOP students outshine traditional students on campus in grades, involvement, graduation rate, and dedication to their future. 

This EOP blog is to present the writing and photography of the students of EOP. It will give them a voice and a place to hear their stories, their opinions, and their lives. We will have writers represent each class year, writing about their opinions and views of college life, home life, EOP life and more. We will need every EOP student to become a part of this because every voice counts. We need every major, not just English or journalism majors, to write the blogs. We need students to conduct interviews for testimonials, students to help with outreach in the community, business majors to help fundraise, and more. We are going to try to put together different events to show EOP students abilities. We envision a poetry slam or a fundraiser to give back so we need everyone’s help. 

This blog is made to give EOP a voice. To prove to traditional students that we belong here just as much as they do, to prove to the government that EOP should not be cut, and to be there and help each other through our college experience. EOP has given each of us a chance at a college, now EOP needs you to stand up and represent. EOP is a family, and a family that needs you to get involved. Every voice counts.

For more information contact:
Anita Ames at anita.ames01@albany.edu
Molly Silvanic at ms483282@albany.edu