One late afternoon back in high school, I sat in my math class with a face that clearly showed that I was ready to quit. I felt like breaking down and crying. I just wanted to put my head down because I was so frustrated with myself. I was trying so hard to figure out the right answer, I did the dumbest thing I could do, I gave up. I closed my math books and just sat thinking how dumb I was and how much I hated math. At that moment, I did not think about my actions thoroughly. I just didn’t care. I never thought that there would come a summer where my imaginary relationship between math and myself would change.
This past summer I had one of the most unforgettable experiences ever. I would have never thought I would say this but I had a great time in math class during the EOP program. Math is my weakness and it has haunted me for the last 5 years, but this summer everything changed. I tend to give up and feel dumb when I do not understand something, but during the summer, I did not give up at once. I came into EOP afraid and worried about math but I promised myself that I would practice, not give up, and try my best. I would go to office hours every single day and if I did not understand a math problem, I would sit there for hours and hours until I finally got the right answer. I also had a great teacher who helped me a lot. He always had words of encouragement and motivation to tell me. He always used to tell me that I should realize that even though I thought my math skills were horrible, I had to look on the bright side. He made me realize that my determination would take me far, not just in math but in life. I have never seen myself trying so hard to improve in something. I was so amazed and proud of myself because I worked so hard that math was beginning to bring me a feeling of satisfaction and a big smile.
At the end of the EOP summer program, I felt different about the way I looked at my schoolwork. I will no longer allow any weaknesses to bring me down. I worked so hard during the summer in my math class that I received the most improved math award. Maybe that award did not mean a lot to many people, but to me it meant everything. It was so precious to me because I never thought that I would receive an award in math since I was so bad at it. My math award symbolized my hard work and determination and that’s what matters the most. I realized that I am not dumb but that there are areas in math where I need to apply myself just a little bit more. I have never been so proud of myself. I am feeling more confident than ever because now I know what to do when I need help in any class. I learned to never give up on myself and to work my hardest because my confidence will lead me far in life.